InnovateScience Solutions offers business and technical consulting for startups and investors

A great idea and technology paired with solid understanding of your market is only half the battle in getting a deep-tech startup off the ground. As experienced founders in the Medtech space, we know that execution is 90% of the work. We are your trusted partners in helping you evaluate opportunities for your portfolio and your trusted mentor and advisor.

Business Startup Advisory

  • Capital Raising and investment collateral

  • Commercial Grant writing

  • Business and Organisational strategy

  • IP and intangible asset navigation*

  • Scientific and Deep Tech Translation

  • Regulatory and Product Development

  • Value proposition alignment

Investment Assistance

  • Technical and technology feasibility assessments

  • Assessment of team capabilities and likelihood of success

  • Business strategy review and competitive landscape assessment

  • Product development path and market entry strategy review

  • Understanding of your fund mandate and helping assess if the proposed investment is a good fit

Technical and Scientific Services Consulting

  • Medtech Product Development assistance

  • Rapid progression of Idea to Proof of Concept to through to Manufacturing

  • Materials Science investgiations

  • Biosensors, IVDs, Electrochemistry and wearables

About Michael

Dr Michael Challenor BSc Hons PhD MRRACI CChem,is an experienced Founding Executive, Professional consultant scientist, entrepreneur and chemical, materials and medical science researcher, with a proven ability to lead organisations, projects and teams in a start-up, university and industry consulting settings.

Dr Challenor completed his PhD studies in the synthesis characterisation and in vitro testing of novel polymeric, superparamagnetic and upconversion luminescent inorganic nanomaterials for the treatment of traumatic brain injury. He has developed and invented an in-vivo, transdermal electrochemical biosensor technology from initial idea all the way through to a pre-commercialization and small-scale advanced manufacturing, performing verification and validation studies in small animals (rodents), large animals (fetal sheep) and early human clinical trials.

Dr Challenor has worked both locally (in Australia) and with international partners in Norway and San Diego in both the private sector and university sectors. Until recently, he has held the role of founder, CTO and Exec- Director of a VC-funded medical device start-up company, where he led multidisciplinary teams of engineers and scientists to commercialise next generation, trans-dermal electrochemical biosensors for patient monitoring. Dr Challenor is an honorary research fellow of the University of Western Australia, a mentor of other start-ups in the community and is excited to work with and advise new clients in the Tech, Materials Science, Medtech and Biotech sectors.

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